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Anger In Israels Parliament As The

Israel stoppt Stromlieferung in Gazastreifen

Upload : 2 days ago...

2025-03-10 00:20 1,661 Youtube

Parked vehicle ran over pedestrians in its path

Upload : 8 hours ago...

2025-03-12 00:27 1,130 Youtube

Anger in Ukraine parliament as opposition constitution move blocked

Before Tuesday’s street violence in Kyiv there were stormy scenes inside Ukraine’s parliament.Staff refused to register an opposition resolution aimed at st...

2014-02-18 01:28 375 Dailymotion

Azan in Israeli Parliament


2016-11-17 01:12 165 Dailymotion

Azaan in Israel Parliament


2016-11-17 02:20 26 Dailymotion

Azan in Israeli Parliament


2016-11-17 02:25 31 Dailymotion

Adhan (Azaan) in Israeli parliament


2016-11-17 02:20 106 Dailymotion